Sunday, August 14, 2011

Parvin's Running Camp, 8/8-13/2011
The week in review:

MONDAY- Long time Schalick coach, Steve Pierangeli, talked about the upcoming season, setting goals and training for success. We did many drills, then broke into groups for an easy run through the park. Following the workout Coach Jamie talked about running shoes.

TUESDAY- Coach Hoxworth, the new coach at Cumberland County College, spoke about her approach to programming a team experience - setting personal goals and training for personal success. She encouraged runners to continue their racing career in college. Coach Jamie Bagley discussed training methods. We will broke up into groups for a Fartlek workout. After the run we went over stretching techniques and massage.

WEDNESDAY- Rowan coach, Ringo Adamson,was our speaker. Ringo spoke about the need to sacrifice the comforts in life in order to train for success. He also discussed strengthening drills. Then we all went for an easy run through the park.

THURSDAY- Our discussion topic tonight will be dietary habits for training athletes. Coach Boykin challenged us all to consider what we eat. After the discussion we did a Threshold Workout at our 1k loop, on the other side of the park. At the end Suzanne Dorrell, an All American cross country runner from Rowan University shared from her experiences.

FRIDAY- Coach Mendez spoke to us about team experiences. We discussed the mental and physical aspects of race preparation. After a short run we broke up into groups for stride analysis. The coaches instructed bio mechanics (running form) necessary for efficient running.

SATURDAY- We talked about warm up routines necessary for racing well. We ran a 5k (see results below)

Training topics for the week included:

footwear, diet, sleep, stretching, strengthening, workouts for success, recovery, mental/emotional focus, race preparation, stride analysis, breathing techniques

“I’d like to help you understand how to achieve your potential this cross country season. Our coaching team will share with you the knowledge and wisdom we have learned from our years of training, racing and coaching. We believe that you can take what you learn at this camp and add it to your disciplined training regimen to achieve success. Please contact me if you have further questions.

Coach Jamie Bagley